Smoke Season


Since 2013, southern California’s “Smoke Season” has been blending ambient, indie, americana, and pop rhythms, to create their own special brand of music. Founded by Gabrielle Wortman and Jason Rosen, the duo continue to push boundaries as heard on their latest sophomore EP “Hot Coals Cold Souls.” Preview their songs “Opaque” and “Badlands” below, and catch them as their Cold Souls tour hits Vegas on 11/6, at the Downtown Container Park. Set times are: 10pm – Pet Tigers, 11pm – Smoke Season, 12am – Leopold & His Fiction.

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Since the band’s formation in 2012, Portland Oregon’s NTNT has been bringing its upbeat, power-pop-dance tunes, to audiences across the Pacific Northwest. Singer Dustin Brown’s live performances have an upbeat energy that just keeps the audience moving. Check out their song “The Attitude” below, and catch them live at Las Vegas’s Gold Spike on Thursday 12/11/14.

[iframe style=”border: 0; width: 100%; height: 42px;” src=”” seamless>And Then The Moon by NTNT]

Emby Alexander

embySome of the best words to describe Emby Alexander are Indie, electro, experimental, pop, and fusion. Hailing from Phoenix Arizona, Emby breaks through time and space through their carefully orchestrated songs, as displayed in their latest video of the song “Sexting My Friends,” where the band uses the crowds cell phones to create live feedback loops. Check out their tracks “Sleeping In The Library” and “Come Breathe The Downstairs Air” below, and make sure to catch them in Vegas at the Gold Spike November 15th, 9pm. For more on the band visit:
[iframe style=”border: 0; width: 100%; height: 42px;” src=”” seamless>Frontispiece by Emby Alexander][iframe style=”border: 0; width: 100%; height: 42px;” src=”” seamless>Frontispiece by Emby Alexander]