Acid Baby Jesus

ABJThe Athens Greece quartet Acid Baby Jesus, is set to release a new LP titled “Selected Recordings” on November 17th. Featuring an 11 song collection of recordings from the past two years, Selected Recordings embraces the bands flair for psychedelic rock n’ roll, while embracing Greece’s folk history. Preview the tracks Diogenes and Vegetable, below. For more on Acid Baby Jesus please visit:


Yaquina Bay

YBEncompassing melodies and rhythms as diverse as the pacific northwest’s weather, Salem Oregon’s Yaquina Bay drives home their message through a cornucopia of instrumentation. Check out “Old Foes” their latest single release from 2014, and “Holy” off their 2012 release The Eastern Desert. Catch them in Las Vegas at the Velveteen Rabbit on 10/23/14, and for more on Yaquina Bay please visit:
[iframe style=”border: 0; width: 100%; height: 42px;” src=”” seamless><a href=””>Old Foes by Yaquina Bay</a>][iframe style=”border: 0; width: 100%; height: 42px;” src=”” seamless><a href=””>The Eastern Desert by Yaquina Bay</a>]

The Solutions

It’s not everyday we get a submission from South Korea, but after listening to he indie styles of The Solutions, we felt we needed to share. Coming to us via Happy Robot Records, check out the songs My War, Sailors Song, and Can’t Wait. For more information from the band please visit:









“My War” by The Solutions

“Sailors Song” by The Solutions

“Can’t Wait” by The Solutions